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rory heart kiba

I love having my mother and sister over in my little tiny room. It's fun and I love their company, they're my best friends and you're sure they'll never abandon you (unlike other friends) because of the very important blood link. The one thing that irks me about having them over is the fact that they use up fresh towels... towels which cost twice as much to have laundered... towels which last me a week each. And they use up around three in one stay. Oh well, I love them anyway.

click to see big picFor work purposes, Lazarus had to have several upgrades, like 512mb more ram, a DVD writer for backup, a new media keyboard (with ports for the usb and headphones!!). However when I got Allen to help me set up the DVD writer, the monitor conked out. My lovely 19inches of graphic designer's dream display turned pink. And although I love pink, I NEED the G in the RGB spectrum! So my company shouldered the cost of a new monitor. So I now have a 17inch AOC monitor (in silver and black so it matches perfectly with my new keyboard and my old CPU Case... and my speakers) because the 19incher cost twice as much (WHY?!?!?) Oh well, beggars can't be choosers can they.

And my new set also matches my new Wacom perfectly!!! (Man, I look like a kid in this picture... Note the new ring from my parents' trip to Indonesia)

6x8 Grapphire4 (I didn't think I needed the Intuos for my first tablet) and I named him Kiba and the pen's Akamaru! It took me a while to get used to it. Still can't draw yet (haven't really had time to try serious sketching straight onto the comp) but I can do vector art now! I did this sportscar for one of my projects for Abbott. Pretty soon I should be able to do some stuff I can use to animate... ^_^
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posted on Saturday, June 10 | 3 comments
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