battle of the chocnut
Working from home has opened up so many opportunities for me... For instance, I've finally compared the many brands of very Pinoy chocolate-peanut sweets on the market: Chocnut, Choco-star, ChocoMani, ChocoFighters, I was about to get Hany but they didn't have it at Shopwise (one of my new meccas) and Ministop puts such a big "patong" on it I didn't want to get it from there.
Anyway, the findings: Chocnut: The original. Nice flavor. But the texture is a bit grainy, as if bits of peanut shell got thrown into the mix and got crushed up with the peanuts and chocolate. Kinda like chewing ground glass... Well, I know some people who prefer that so good for them.
Choco-star: Comparable to chocnut. Same texture. A little sweeter. Not bad.
ChocoMani: I really didn't go for the ground glass chocnut, I looked for something smoother. So I thought I liked ChocoMani. But then came the chocnut-fest. And I had the chocoMani last. Bad idea. It tasted like Chalk-o-Mani. Yech. It's a bit too milky compared to the rest and the texture... a bit chalky.
ChocoFighters: My Favorite! Smoother texture, not too sweet, just chocolatey enough. Complete with plagiarized characters (from various games I think) on each wrapper and even on the "free" pseudo-Pongs made from card.