hold my hand
Instructions: 1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different descriptions of their perfect lover. 2. He/she needs to mention the sex/gender of their perfect lover. 3. He/she must tag 8 more people to join this game and leave a comment on their respective sites anouncing that they've been tagged. 4. If tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.
I've been tagged. By my sister. Whose responses are much like mine...
1. Nice hands with slender fingers (think the kind of hands that the pre-Raphaelite painters were fond of) and the kind of face you could wake up next to for the rest of your life (Like Pike, who's gonna start teaching Freshman English at Ateneo this school year. I so want to stalk him) 2. SOLID - physically. As in he won't look like a wimp beside me. (Allen and Leo are sick of this adjective already) Inuzuka Kiba from Naruto is so very solid. (Drool!) 3. Solid - More mature spiritually and so much wiser than than me. (A man I can follow. Yes, I believe that the woman should submit so you better make sure that you're submitting to the right bloke!) 4. Not scared of being "weird" - willing to crazy dance with me on the dance floor while everyone else slowdances (although slowdancing is also fun ;-p) 5. Artistic - I'd love him to be a photographer and/or a percussionist. (Drool!) 6. Intelligent - If you don't understand why this is on the list, you're an idiot. Idiots should be neutered. There are too many stupid people roaming earth already. 7. Eloquent - Watch your gramaticals! Rex Navarette English/Filipino is fun some of the time but please don't end the vows at the altar with, "Ah don' know how I doh et, ah jazz doh et! 8. A Balloo kind of daddy. Look for the bear necessities... (*Sigh*)
I love "Get Fuzzy."
I've always been part of the trio. This is my latest one. We're starting a webcomic soon about life after college (and bashing everyone "normal.") So watch out for it.
 In other news, I finally got a new ring. The old ring was just getting too painful to look at so I got a new one. Haven't taken a pic of it yet though because I just received it yesterday from my parents' last jetset to Indonesia, my dad's going to Malaysia tomorrow. I'm being a jetsetter myself, business trip to HongKong in July... Just in time for Inuzuka Kiba's birthday! (July7)