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back to old habits

Mood: oh so dull
ThemeSong: Isobel - Bjork
Watchawearing: Emily the Strange tee

I'm supposed to be studying for the MIS midterms tomorrow night but no matter how much I try to read the book, the words get garbled while in transit to my brain, and anything I try to understand just turns into mush. Basically, the usual struggles with MIS concepts. We're just incompatible, I suppose.

In other news, I finally beat Zuma... Now I can stop playing it. At last when I close my eyes I won't see long lines of many-colored balls chasing after me. It's really distracting. I suppose I'm sad that way. I don't like playing combat games because I just can't stand dying, so I stick to games like Sims or Spider Solitaire. But like my mom, I have obsessive tendencies so I play the game until I finish it... so much so that I dream about the game. This was especially sad during my Freecekk phase when I'd dream of all the different moves I could make to finish the game quickest.

How sad...

Currently downloading Imogen Heap songs. I've always loved the name Imogen, I think I heard it in England. And Julia Stiles (who plays characters I often resemble) played an artist-chick named Imogen in the movie "Down to You" with Freddie Prince Jr. (<-- bad movie, redeemed only by the fact that there was an almost-pseudo-me in it)

Oh well... Should I name my daughter Imogen?
Imogen all the people...
She's gonna have to be into emo... and instant messaging..

Okay, getting too corny now, even for me.

MIS is melting my brain.

posted on Sunday, January 29 | 0 comments
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