sleep deprived
Mood: bangag to the max ThemeSong: Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap Watchawearing: whole outfit's from thailand -- i love shopping!
Yesterday jogged for the first time after a year. I hadn't slept and I was hoping that the exercise would rejuvinate me, wake me up. Today my muscles are complaining, but that was expected.
Went to Dusit Hotel yesterday to see Tita Liza and Tito Peter (the German husband) before they flew back to New York to save the world (they work in the UN, Tita Liza is working the Israel-Palestine case, Tito Peter is in environmental economics) . Was waiting in the lobby for them, bought my most expensive cup of cappuccino (PhP130.00 + 13.00 SC) waiting, didn't get to eat my cookie (don't like hard cookies, prefer the chewy ones) only to find that they were at the hotel restaurant with the terrors from Bonifacio. I didn't know Tita Edith (photographer) was there else I'd have called her right from the start. We had dinner there, which was yummy. I got the light buffet (Their salads are divine and the desserts... I don't know how I managed my self-control... ) The only prob was that BoniBrat #1 was really TRYING to get on my nerves. Times like those I really appreciate my sweet bruhvah.
I keep thinking back to that small but pricy cuppa coffee. Wasn't even as good as Starbuck's. Sniff...
 I have my XHD! (External Hard Drive) I got it from my Tito yesterday but it's frickin' HEEEYUGE! Dimensions are 9"x5"x1.5" and I was expecting it to be half as big. But it IS 100GB. But it's to0 freaking huge!!!! I know I shouldn't be complaining, Andie is about ready to murder me for my pc scraps but IT'S JUST TOO FREAKING HUGE!!! Hence I named him Colossus. (My favorite X-person from the movie... Sigh...)
Haven't been sleeping well, my body clock is ruined thanks to Zuma, which I beat, and yet I can't seem to shake its hold upon my soul. So now I'm woozy but I can't sleep, have to go to Galleria tonight for ENLI. First, Taka's Tea Bar again with my philosophy and political science readings and buckets of green tea... I've been there so many times they gave me one of those frequent visitors cards. (YaY!)
Why isn't the ground stable? Feel like I'm on a ship deck, and I'm getting motion sick.
All a' bored..