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God is kewl...

Was just reflecting on the events of the past week.

God is so cute!

I was so hyper during Youth on Fire last Friday night. Couldn't stop jumping even if I wanted to. And yet inside I was amazingly calm, not as frantic inside as i usually am. Grabe. It's just such a weird yet kewl (it's not just cool, it's kewl!) feeling to be so hyperactive on the outside and yet so serene inside. Anyway...

In French class we're reading La Chute or The Fall, Book Two of Les Miserables. In French, in case you didn't realize. Urgh. I loved the Broadway show (saw it on my first trip to New York) and the book in English, but reading it in French is agony. I have to read it out loud coz I tend to get lost. Anyway, was reading about when the Bishop didn't blow the whistle on Jean Valjean's thievery and instead sent him away with even more silver, and I was reminded of the difference in mercy and grace. Mercy is not telling the three policement that Jean Valjean was an ungrateful streetrat (Street rat, street rat, I don't buy that...) and grace is giving him the silver candlesticks. Man, I love French.

Speaking of French, I was planning to go to New York this summer but those plans might not come through. Instead we're thinking that the money to go to that New York trip can go to my France fund. Grabe, the way you hear Jen talk, I'm definitely going! (And who says I'm not? I am!!! Wehehehe ^_^) Anyway, so there. I really have a heart for France.

France, the graveyard. Where missionaries don't last too long. It's gonna take a lot of prayer! But I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me! Devah?!

I'm praying that:
  1. I get accepted to the exchange program,
  2. I can raise all the money I need, (actually, I'm believing God to provide more than enough!)
  3. That they put me in a university close to where EveryNation is planting a church, and
  4. God already starts cultivating the soil where he wants me to plant.
As Jen says, "More sheep who are ripe for the harvest!" (--> Biblical metaphors gone wild. ;-) )

I love my spikes...

posted on Tuesday, January 25 | 0 comments
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