what a let down
FINALLY, I am able to post. I was on a Unix-computer yesterday and no matter how hard I fiddled with it I couldn't type anything in my blog. Anyway, the typhoon was a total let-down. It was supposed to be as big as the Philippines, so expecting a Signal Number 5 was pretty reasonable (for those who don't speak the lingo, at Signal No.3 weather is so bad that even University students are liberated from the oppressions of class). Anyway, imagine my disappointment when the friggin' cyclone only lasted two days, and it wasn't even that strong. Okay, let's be less selfish for a sec and thank God that at least not as many people were hurt. But still!!! At least I didn't have to take my Theo exam scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Oh, another bad point: our SEC Field "gig" on Friday didn't push through. Duh!!! Spent four days at my uncle's place. Cable!!! (I am such a nerd, watched mainly Cartoon Network, Nickolodeon, Disney, National Geographic and Discovery Channel) Still, was able to save on food... Here are some pics I've been meaning to post for a while.
feeling model

cute lang...