in baguio and my tummy hurts
MY tummy really hurts... i think it's wind... drats... ouch.
anyway, i got to have lunch with nikki a while ago. We were supposed to eat in O My Gulay, this vegetarian place in Baguio but they were closed for renovations so we ended up in our usual Hang-Out, Swiss Made. If you're ever in Baguio go there! Good food!!!
Here's a pic of me and nikki from our last trip to O My Gulay, last month... my hair looks weird...

Anyway, yun. I love my Nikki! I hardly ever get to hug her. Anyway, yesterday got to Baguio at 11am. Had a party Friday night, lasted till 3am, got on the 5am bus. Had lunch at home (my dad cooked Kinilaw, my favorite!!!) and slept straight from 2-7pm, only getting up to wee. Hehehe...
Right now i'm in my dad's office in PMA and it's cold and my tummy hurts so I'll just post some pics from my Birthday weekend... :-) just a small get-together with close friends (my parents aren't in the picture btw)

me and nikki... ent we cute?
 me and my lillies (my fave flower)... me and ChiChi being weird...
notice how my smile is all the same? i don't like to show my teeth anymore. My big grin looks very scary... :-/