Philo Orals
- "The mystery of my relationship with my body is not sufficiently explored when I describe my body either as possession or as instrument Both of these descriptions fail to reveal how fundamental my link with my body is. Moreover, embodiment is a pre-condition for any experience of possession or instrumentality. Hence the statement, "I am my body." This statement is not meant to reduce me to a body-object; rather it emphasizes that as a body-subject, I can't be distinguished from my body. It is as an incarnate subject that I encounter the world and others. Thus, all my human experiences are structured by the fact that I am embodied."
- Had my Philo Orals and to prepare I only slept for around three hours... To take breaks I coded for our game. Fun. The orals were okay. You study for hours only to use it all up in ten minutes. Hopefully I did okay. I've noticed that ever since I started speaking Filipino, my grammar and vocab in English have been deteriorating, and I'm not as articulate as I used to be. Sigh... Hopefully when I go to France I'll get better at French and English... ^_^
- Expecting a B in CS150-Computer Architecture. High B, just not high enough for B+. Drats. I'm supposed to continue coding for our Sumo Game today. My programming partner is gonna arrive around 3:30, we can code till 5.