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bangag == true

if (sleep < muststayup ="=">
. sugar++;
. modeZombie(on);

9pm. Just finished stuff I'd rather wasn't in my To-Do List at all, namely the MIS current system study. Ugh.
And the Accounting Make-Up test. One hour was not nearly enough. Ugh.
Had an impromptu sleepover last night at Marita's house. Good thing she had a spare toothbrush. However, have not had a good night's sleep since August. I don't know why I'm still standing actually. Am operating on Coffee and ExtraJoss. God bless the genius who thought of sugar concentrate in a packet.
Seriously though, it's pure grace.
Tonight, though, I will sleep well even though I have to wake up at 6 since I have a 7:30 class. It's Philosophy too. Great class, but "deep thought" does not come easily when you're half-asleep.
At least I was able to finish my two paintings and they're both at the framer's now. Picking them up on Friday, then straight to the Shell Gallery.
I'm not expecting to win, but God always gives the best suprises, so I'm just going to be willing to accept whatever he throws my way! ^_^

posted on Thursday, September 9 | 0 comments
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