time for change
It's embarrassing. I know Java, (J2ME AND J2SE) a bit of OpenGL/SDl/C (i'm not sure what i use, just that i use it), but html i don't know. Sigh... Been trying to update the layout of this blog so I can work on Jen's site over the break but... man, i'm getting lost. Well, i suppose the fact that i'm trying to study for all my other subjects doesn't help either... I'm so thankful I don't have that much for next week (Finals Week, a.k.a. Hell Week by normal people, and EGR Week --as in Extra Grace Required-- for the not-so-normal people.) Just have two written exams, two project defenses, one oral exam and one paper, and a Bonus one at that. Just found my Random Number for Reg. I'm 291, or something. I was praying for a one-digit number, but God wants to impress me. Last time I was third-to-the-last in my WHOLE school, but i still got all the profs i wanted, and a great schedule. So I'm confident God will push through for me. It's Friday, had my Last Accounting test last night [Cheer!!] and God, in his divine humor or grace, showed me a stupid mistake i the last minute (not exaggerating) before i had to pass my paper. I spent the last thirty minutes of that exam trying to figure out why I was short by P600, then i realized that the beginning value wasn't P300, it was (300). --you accounting students know what I mean. Anyway, just waiting till i have to go to Youth On Fire, looking forward to getting hyper for God!!! I've been running on autopilot the whole week, i just need a divine shot of joy and passion!!! Found the pics of my "brother" i wanted to show. They're from StarRunner. Hope they show up this time. Finally got an image hosting thing...
