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just finished critique

we had to critique this other group for MIS today... Sigh... I'm getting scared for our own defense. At least the group critiquing us are friends...
Had Computer Architecture Finals. Hard. Well, I think I studied okay. Crammed but I knew what I was talking about. However, unless I get an 87 on my exam I'm gonna get a B. 87/116. Room for 19 mistakes. Lord help!!!
Gotta study for Philosophy orals tomorrow morning so going over to my classmate's place to study. Then gotta program for our Sumo Wrestling game after that, and work on my Philosophy bonus paper.
I didn't think this week was gonna be this hard. Sniff!!!

Answered prayer: I HAVE MUNEH! My ATM card got demagnetized (It's becomming a yearly thing) and at the same time my school ID went missing! Double whammy: I need my ID to withdraw from the bank. Anyway, thank God I remembered where I could have left it (at the internet/coffee place while i was online on Friday night) and sure enough it was there. And managed to get enough dosh for the week.
God is faithful. Was almost starting to regret tithing but I knew I could count on my God to pull through. And He did, always does ^_^

posted on Monday, October 11 | 0 comments
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