Two years later and I'm still histrionic... plus narcissistic
I went to the cross-cultural communication seminar for France and I got confirmation that my French exchange will be for the Jan-May term, so needless to say I was ecstatic! I've been waiting for them to get back to me for a few months now so I'm glad to be able to breathe easily, as well as begin making travel arrangements and coordinating with l'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest to do the art program during my term! Yay!
I got a bit too excited with the news and as usual my overactive imagination got active. I saw myself sitting outside a quaint cafe in Angers taking a break from painting, contentedly sipping a glass of... water?
Hey. Waitasecond. It would be weird to be in France, home of the world's best wine and cheese and not enjoy it! But I don't even like the taste of alcohol!!! So having heard many times that wine is an aquired taste, I left the seminar convinced that I would "aquire it" before December.
Saturday night... I'm walking into the liquor store. So many bottles... What to buy? I don't know what I'm doing here. What if someone from church sees me? Well, Jesus drank wine. What will my parents think of me!? Am I being a bad example to my siblings? A stumbling block? They probably won't sell me booze anyway, I look underage. Man, why didn't I wear my grown-up clothes today? Wait, I gots ID! Birth certificate in wallet? I have everything in my flippin' bag, why is my birth certificate not here?! Oh well, maybe my Ateneo Alumni Card will do. Minors can't graduate, can they? Oh there it is! Don't get ahead of yourself, Ror. Just buy a bottle of cheap wine. Get used to the taste first. You won't be able to taste the diff between cheap and expensive wine anyway.
Ooooh SALE! My favorite word. Okay, I'll get one bottle of red and one of white. "Semi-sweet." That has to be good, right? Now... I can't very well drink wine out of a mug. That's so crass. Go get a glass...
(In the Supermarket) Don't they have any NICE glasses? Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Next... I know I have a corkscrew somewhere in the flat but I can't remember where I dumped it. Oh well, I'll just buy one and some stoppers while I'm at it. Just get the cheap ones. Oooh, P150 for two plastic corkscrews. Kawaii! (cute in Japanese) Now for the cheese. Dang... none of the nearly-expired buy-one-take-one offers? Dang. I'll just pick up some from Pan de manila on my way home.
(On the way home after having lugged huge bags of groceries and a backpack of hardware from a long day, gotten on and off the train, and walking for ten minutes in the rain towards Pan de Manila...) "IT'S CLOSED! ARGH!"
(Back at the Batcave) Okay... How do you work this...? You just have to screw it into the cork right? Okaaaay... [screw, screw, screw] It won't go any farther. Now what? Pull? Sige... [heave, heave, SNAP!] Oh %@!!!! The stupid cheap plastic corkscrew broke and the screw is stuck in the cork and the flipping cork hasn't even budged one bit!!!
I spent the next hour and a half digging the cork out of the bottle with the help of a small knife, two tweezers, some yarn, and a mountain of ingenuity and patience. And I didn't get any cork into the wine at all! Yay!
And how did the wine taste? Horrible. How the heck am I supposed to distinguish the taste of cherries or maple-aged barrels or whatever it's supposed to taste like? It all tastes sour to me! Oh well, I have five months to "develop the taste." Ech...