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i am not a mindless factory

I don't think people realize that to artists, their work is not just something "manufactured", like a factory-produced flowerpot. Artists inject parts of their soul into the works of their hands, and yes, even the corporate drivel I've been churning out has Rory-dust mixed in with the generic genius. And that's why I've been getting so frustrated with my clients who can't make their minds up about what they want and keep asking me to massacre my babies for their revisions (not my fault!). And they call females irrational!

I wonder how long I'll last in this job. Maybe I'll just move to Dubai. Hehehe...

In other news, I met this really nice guy on the train two Sundays ago (je crois qu'il n'est pas l'homme de ma vie parce qu'il manque quelques caracteristiques que sont tres importants pour moi) who just last Sunday introduced me to his Filipino-Chinese friend from Cebu and who looks a lot like Nikki, so much that I think I freaked her out by staring, looking like I'd bawl any moment. They have the same hands and the same mouth, as in their manner of speaking and smiling and laughing is uncannily similar. I had quite a time keeping my composure. Am trying to find a funny angle, but there just isn't one. *Sniffle*

I just finished watching The Pink Panther. I wonder how Jean Reno felt, being the only genuine Frenchman in the whole movie, to have his countrymen's English taken the mickey out of by people whose native language IS English... I think I enjoyed the scene of him dancing like a hussy more than a normal 21-year old should... Hehehe... I love Jean Reno. (Andie, thanks again for sharing "The Professional" all those years ago. Natalie Portman was a very lucky girl... :-D)

posted on Monday, June 26 | 2 comments

KKB :: children of the CORN

Am working on the KKB webcomic so we can have it up by July 7 (kiba's birthday!). In other news, KKB watched Rex Navarrete LIVE (free show but we would have paid if it wasn't!) and it was great! Here is our stalker pic. We are Children of the CORN (Cult Of Rex Navarrete!)
click to see bigger picture
Funny story: I met my new flatmate after we bumped into each other in the hallway. Traded quick info and after thinking about it, decided to introduce Leo (who was bunking on my floor that night) coz it might be awkward if they bumped into each other in the middle of the night and she might think, "Oooh, naughty things going on in there!" and I'm just too prim and proper to have anyone speculating about nonexistent naughty activities going on in my room.

Rory: This is my cousin, Leo.
Flatmate: Hi.
Leo(wearing my tye dye PJs): Hi!
Flatmate: So you're MIS? You must know Andie then!
(Dang! Then she'll surely know Leo isn't my cousin! Why does this always happen to me?)

Moral of the Story: Don't lie. Sigh.

posted on Wednesday, June 21 | 4 comments

rory heart kiba

I love having my mother and sister over in my little tiny room. It's fun and I love their company, they're my best friends and you're sure they'll never abandon you (unlike other friends) because of the very important blood link. The one thing that irks me about having them over is the fact that they use up fresh towels... towels which cost twice as much to have laundered... towels which last me a week each. And they use up around three in one stay. Oh well, I love them anyway.

click to see big picFor work purposes, Lazarus had to have several upgrades, like 512mb more ram, a DVD writer for backup, a new media keyboard (with ports for the usb and headphones!!). However when I got Allen to help me set up the DVD writer, the monitor conked out. My lovely 19inches of graphic designer's dream display turned pink. And although I love pink, I NEED the G in the RGB spectrum! So my company shouldered the cost of a new monitor. So I now have a 17inch AOC monitor (in silver and black so it matches perfectly with my new keyboard and my old CPU Case... and my speakers) because the 19incher cost twice as much (WHY?!?!?) Oh well, beggars can't be choosers can they.

And my new set also matches my new Wacom perfectly!!! (Man, I look like a kid in this picture... Note the new ring from my parents' trip to Indonesia)

6x8 Grapphire4 (I didn't think I needed the Intuos for my first tablet) and I named him Kiba and the pen's Akamaru! It took me a while to get used to it. Still can't draw yet (haven't really had time to try serious sketching straight onto the comp) but I can do vector art now! I did this sportscar for one of my projects for Abbott. Pretty soon I should be able to do some stuff I can use to animate... ^_^
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

posted on Saturday, June 10 | 3 comments
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