back to old habits
Mood: oh so dull ThemeSong: Isobel - Bjork Watchawearing: Emily the Strange tee
I'm supposed to be studying for the MIS midterms tomorrow night but no matter how much I try to read the book, the words get garbled while in transit to my brain, and anything I try to understand just turns into mush. Basically, the usual struggles with MIS concepts. We're just incompatible, I suppose.
In other news, I finally beat Zuma... Now I can stop playing it. At last when I close my eyes I won't see long lines of many-colored balls chasing after me. It's really distracting. I suppose I'm sad that way. I don't like playing combat games because I just can't stand dying, so I stick to games like Sims or Spider Solitaire. But like my mom, I have obsessive tendencies so I play the game until I finish it... so much so that I dream about the game. This was especially sad during my Freecekk phase when I'd dream of all the different moves I could make to finish the game quickest.
How sad...
Currently downloading Imogen Heap songs. I've always loved the name Imogen, I think I heard it in England. And Julia Stiles (who plays characters I often resemble) played an artist-chick named Imogen in the movie "Down to You" with Freddie Prince Jr. (<-- bad movie, redeemed only by the fact that there was an almost-pseudo-me in it)
Oh well... Should I name my daughter Imogen? Imogen all the people... She's gonna have to be into emo... and instant messaging..
Okay, getting too corny now, even for me.
MIS is melting my brain.
too much bjork
Mood: Ho-hum ThemeSong: Aurora - Bjork Watchawearing: A red/yellow scarf I wear as a sash (a la Miss Universe), practicing for my Pinoy Fashion Statement for France
Am listening to way too much Bjork. I love most of her stuff. So wyrd!!! As for the sash, I'm making "pauso", because I really want to show my Pinoy-ness in France. I'm gonna get some native fabric with indigenous patterns and wear it sash-style. Proud to be Pinoy, pare! Well, at least I'm trying to be nationalistic, too many people hate the Phils already... Brain Drain Go away, come again another... no... just go to the States. Not much brain to drain... Buwahahahaha!!!
Bjork is so kewl! Am loving Human Behavior and Army of me. Can't get over how long I've been deprived of true wyrd music... :D
Hepi Bertdey Juice!!! (my bro) As of tomorrow morning, my sibs and I are going to be practical orphans again as my mum is going to Thailand for about a month to cheer up my very sad and lonely dad. (Awwww...) And yes they are really sweet. As in they call each other "tart," not like the Brit insult meaning slut but as in "sweet'art. " (Collective sigh from the crowd.)
No wonder I'm a closet mushie...
Here's my other creative pic... Kakatawa lang...

after the valley
Mood: lifted up ThemeSong: Holding Out For a Hero - Frou Frou (Shrek OST) Watchawearing: Green dress, green blazer, green shades, green streaks in hair... and a semi-green bruise on my arm
God's so amazing. After the valley, He really brings you to greater heights! Seriously, God is so good. And I actually asked Him for this shaking experience because I've been feeling too protected. So you get what you ask for talaga!
I've been telling on that jerk to some of my friends, and am a bit disappointed at their lack of violent and murderous reactions to what happened. Leo and Allen said that if I was still upset they'd probably be feeling more vindictive but since I'm okay they're just glad nothing bad happened. And I AM okay, but I wish more people would want to defend my honor. That's what you get for being a scary girl... Hehehe...
And Aeric, no, I wasn't being corny or pa-cute saying I was a lioness (I shall be brave), it was a reference to the fact that I scare boys away (and enjoy doing it on the most part.)
Here's what I've been doing lately...

Oh, and it's my sister's 18th Birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHEV! And it's my bro's 16th birthday in a few hours... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOSH!
i am a lioness
Mood: dazed and confused ThemeSong: Stranded - Plumb Watchawearing: a big purple bruise on my left arm
I am a lioness. Strong, fierce, proud. I am a lioness, she is a gazelle. Gazelles are graceful and they photograph well. Men run from lionesses, as well they should.
I am a shark, she is a dolphin. Everyone likes dolphins, they swim away from sharks.
Rare strength is needed to tame a lioness, true courage to swim with a shark. It takes a rare breed of man to deal with such creatures, for most men are really just boys. And they are not strong enough, nor brave enough to face the challenge.
I am auROARa. I am woman, hear me ROAR.
back to grunt work
Mood: frazzled yet again ThemeSong: fly away - lenny kravitz Watchawearing: pyjamas (I'm in internet cafe and i'm wearing my pink tye-dye ones without any holes in them so i'm decent)
It's the first week back from the Christmas holidays, last few months before graduation, and I'm already neck-deep in work. That's what I get for being overenthusiastic about graphic design, getting into a position of authority (I should be in ideas, not administration!) and being too... much! I need to learn the meaning of moderation.
Andi just turned me into a shrew again. Again, I am thankful for the foresight that prevented us from being roomies. Two strong personalities in close quarters, constantly in each other's faces... We'd kill each other. And I'm not talking the shoot ya in the back while you're sleeping killing, more of a slip laxatives into their drink so they die in a very unpleasant way. Yes, Andi, you are the only one reading this so I might as well say, "YOU ARE SO CUTE!" (cue Andi's glower)
New Year's Eve. Everyone else is counting till midnight, ready with their noisemakers and sparklers, me with a fork and my mother's famous chocolate cake before me. After a year of abstinence, I was finally having a taste of chocolate!
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
The rest of the world sings "Aude lang syne," blows trumpets, roams around the room smooching random people. (Sounds like fun)
I go: "CHOMP!" The first bite was rich, moist, delicious and oh, so chocolatey... but it was strangely disappointing. After 365 days of anticipating magic melting in my mouth, I suppose I built chocolate up too much. 365 days... How much chocolate did I turn down from the gazillion members of my ever-expanding fan-club? (A: not that much...)