i am cockroach girl
Hey y'all.  Felt guilty for not updating since last century. Internet at Baguio during the term break was so slow I got so annoyed every time I TRIED to go online. (Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses.) Anyway, news...
I turned 21 last Saturday. I am officially a grown-up. Spent the first half of my special day having a massage. I treated myself because I felt like crap. Why? My right cheek was swollen, my jaw was aching, and it hurt to open my mouth, much less to chew. UNABLE TO EAT ON ONE'S BIRTHDAY?! Yes, it was horrible.
But what was the source of my engorged face? On Wednesday I got bitten by a cockroach while I was sleeping over at chez tita (or cousin? basta she's my mum's age). Apparently the little bug wanted to greet me an advanced happy birthday.
Hmmm... (A friend of mine who never fails to make me feel good about myself told me the reason why I got bitten is because i had ketchup on my cheek. Not an implausible explanation actually but I actually washed my face the night before so that wasn't it.)
Reflecting upon my dire situation, I thought of other people who suffered bites from toxic insects. Peter Parker became Spiderman through a spiderbite!!! This swollen face, this horrible feeling, may all be part of my transition into (tan-ta-nan-tan!) "IPIS-GIRL!"
Okay, so maybe I'm still not over the fact that I am now a grown-up. Funnily enough, turning 21 isn't as big a deal as turning 20 was.
Am currently updating my portfolio. Ambitious girl. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do it AND manage to go through my mountain of readings. (In fact I don't know what I'm doing blogging right now. Okay, it's called procrastination but I don't know why I'm indulging.. Like Paul said, "What I want to do, I do not do. What I do not want to do, I do all too well." -->My paraphrase from somewhere in Romans, I didn't bring my Bible with me. --- OOOH! Speaking of Bible, my beloved NIV Bible of 5-6 years gave up on me -- it's now spineless. So for my birthday I asked my rents for a new NIV Bible (I have NCV, KJV, NLT but I still like NIV best). So I picked out a ZonderKidz Bible for ages 7-12!!! It's gray and PINK!!! Teeeheee!!!
I was about to write about something else, but with my scatterbrain alter-ego taking over again, i've forgotten what it was.
 Oh I remember!!! I got new shoes from Vans! I was wearing my old blue Galla2 ones (sale items, as usual -- from 4,5 to 1,9!) and I bought the new ones from Vans. Right after I bought them, my Galla2 shoes fell apart. Literally. As in the sole of my right shoe just made like a banana and SPLIT! I had to change shoes in the middle of the mall. Kinda funny actually.
Right now I am still sick from the cockroach bite (jaw hurts and migranes -- or at least splitting headaches in the right temple area) and from the fact that it's almost that time of the month again so resistance is down. I ALWAYS GET SICK ONCE A MONTH!!! So I'm nuking my body... Strepsils for itchy throat. I even bought "fisherman's friend" coz they're "lozenges but i don't know if they help at all. Neozep to stop my nose from running away. Industral strength pain killers for my head. Antibiotics to stop my transformation into ipis-girl. Airborne specially requested from the States to aid my poor system. Lots of water to flush my system. Ben Gay, my best gay bud. I love him so much.
Sigh. Still have my philosophy and history and theology readings to trudge through.
Cheerio, dahlings!