blast from the past
Mood: A bit tired ThemeSong: Girls Just wanna have fun Watchawearing: Denim, Denim, Denim!!!
I'm at this internet cafe in Nevada Square in Baguio, with some friends from PMA who I haven't seen in NINE years. The de Vera's lived a couple of minutes away from our house and Tita Mae (the mom) was my first piano teacher ever, and she was so good i still remember the pieces she taught me.
oh, before i forget, UPDATE ON THE MISSING BOOK. False alarm girl strikes again. Turns out I didn't bring it at all.
Ayun, enough with the tangent. So the de Vera boys are here. The only one who looks the same is Miko (the eldest). Mon and Aeo look sooooooooooooooo different. Man, if I saw them in the street I wouldn't recognize them. I remember stuff about Aeo the most. The guy as a kid was such a character!!! Seal noises, screaming "tinapa!" on the ride home from school, turning into werefolf at a Full moon... the list goes on. And Mon was the quiet kid. I had an huge embarrassing crush on Miko the whole time I knew him. As in my ears would turn red just hearing his name.
Enough with the embarrassing revelations. No more work!!! Really pissed at the news I received on my random number. Turns out i'm student number 372, meaning i get left with THE DREGS of the classes. *&^$&$%$#%$#!!! (i don't swear, but i'm thinking very bad thoughts.) PALAGI NALANG AKO!!! AAAAAARGH!!!
At least my shackles from Moog are off. Back down to Manila on Thursday/Friday for Reg.
NUMBER 372, for crying out loud!!!
something terrible has happened
It's my last day at Moog... No more all-day internet. And something terrible has happened. It's a slow day, I expected it to be so. So I brought a book I borrowed. My trainer took me out to lunch (my favorite, inexpensive vegetarian place--i've been craving eggplant parmigiana) and an hour and a half later, i look in my bag and the book is gone! The book I borrowed! Which I haven't even read yet!!! AAAAAAAAARGH!!!! How could this happen?!
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Good, Ror. Now just keep doing that and you'll be fine.
Take your mind of it... Watched Episode 3 last night. I wasn't really looking forward to it, because I had a feeling it wouldn't have a happy ending. (Like DUH!) Anyway, right after something tragic happens to Anakin/Vader (trying not to be a spoiler for you who haven't watched it yet), Anakin/Vader goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!" and I suppose it was supposed to be a serious moment. But me and Chev burst out laughing at that (no wisecracking beforehand, I guess we both just saw the humor in the situation), and I think the entire movie house was quiet except for us. Anyway, it was funny...
Hayden C. isn't that cute... when he's glowering all the time anyway. Why is it boys are so moody?
Anyway... starting the mushpit, my mushy comic (and you thought I was a die-hard cynic, noh?) which will act as catharsis for me (thanks for the vocab, j!)
Whatever happened to that book?! ARGH!
I'm going down to Manila early tomorrow morning. Hitching a ride with the Riveras, so at least I'll have lots of pillows. (the Riveras are... softies. *snigger!*)
Whatever happened to that book?! AAAAARGH!!
one week more!!!
Mood: Relief ThemeSong: Shackles by Mary Mary (get it?!) Watchawearing: all black. suprise, suprise
Jen's back from Europe!!! Whoohoooo!! Chev's already enrolled in Diliman, mine's not for another couple of weeks. The Headless chickens are starting a web comic. More news on that as it comes. Some intern-ship strips from one of my favorites, Pearls before Swine

 One more week of wearing this ball and chain known as practicum!! I have to admit though that this is my best summer since I entered the Ateneo. Seeing as my sophomore and junior summers were at Manila, with me doing my darndest to stay awake through my summer classes, a summer of unlimitted internet in an air conditioned facility in Baguio isn't all that bad.
As for news on my "ONE ADVENTURE", I really really really want to design furniture for kids and teens. I've been researching (Thankyou Lord for Moog letting me surf whenever I want!) on different design schools in New York (because we've got family there and the best design schools are there besides) and the graduate degrees are two years and it looks super expensive. As in a lot more expensive than my France trip...
Still, God will provide.
...i'm in love...
Mood: Totally ThemeSong: I knew I loved you before I met you -- Savage Garden
I am so totally head over heels in love. *Sigh!* For those of you who know me well, you know how I get when I'm infatuated. I talk too fast, have a glazed look in my eye (kinda like a donut. Mmmm... donut...) and I can't stop blabbering on about the object of my infatuation. Darnit it's not even infatuation. It's... lust!
His name is Ash. De Armond Ashbory to be exact. Isn't he totally gorgeous and droolworthy?
 Rubber strings.
18-inch fretless neck with ghost fretlines.
As light as a feather.
And i bet it's smaller than Chev's violin...
Sorry Boadi, but I'm in love with another bass.
The reviews are all good, standard prince is around $600 but it's $250ish on the net so not bad at all.
Rubber strings.... Drool...
Oh, and wanna see a pic of one of the geniuses behind Ash? Nigel Thornbory. The other guy's last name Ashworth. Ash+bory = Ashbory. Duh.
for once, my emotions aren't in overdrive...
Mood: Apathetic ThemeSong: Lately - Skunk Anansie
I feel so... blah. Two more weeks of work, then back to Manila to work with the band. Jen's gonna be back in a week or so, so I'm looking forward to seeing her again.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. We went to Swiss Made, our regular dive. (As in we know the life stories of the owner and the waitresses. Hehe) They've been renovating the place, so it looks a lot chicer. Anyway, a funny thing happened on the way to the restaurant. My mum tripped in the middle of the road, and she said, "Kaya mo 'yon, Ror?" (Can you do that?) I couldn't help but laugh, even though she was in a lot of pain. She scraped her wrist quite badly. She's so cute though. I think I know where me and Chev got our klutziness...
We're working on our sibling-site ( and we were making up our list of top 10 loves and hates (Mandy Moore's my No.1 pet peeve --> i really really hate her) and scribbling them on this tea-bag wrapper. (No paper, how sad. At least Chev just bought a new pen) Josh's list is still incomplete, mine and Chev's are overflowing. It was just nice to talk and share about things that we like and that tick us off.
It was only when I moved to Manila that I realized that our family situation is so rare (our parents are still so in love with each other and we siblings get along really well, and we have good parent-child relationships). We're so blessed.
Enough happy stuff. I finally got hold of some Skunk Anansie music (my tita downloaded some for me) and I'm so obsessed with them right now. "Lately" (this song that's been echoing in my head since England) is still the best song!!! Skin's got such a powerful voice. Must have something to do with her humongous mouth...
Mixed feelings about Chevy moving to Manila... Sigh. We're all growing up so fast...
I can't believe I'm gonna be a senior this year! Nooooooooooh!!!
photoshop junkie
Mood: On my second hankie of the day ThemeSong: Things can only get better Watchawearing: New Cool denim jacket!!!
Been working on this for two days. Quite proud. Nothing interesting to post... except my fellow OJT people in Manila are getting paid. Sniff...
from this ordinary looking jeep...  TO THIS!
green like a frog
Mood: Green ThemeSong: I can see clearly now the rain is gone Watchawearing: Red turtleneck, black sporty trousers
One of the joys of being away from work (and the internet) for the past week is going on MyYahoo and looking at the comics page -- you get to look at a week's strips on one page -- and seeing on that page strips you haven't seen before. Simple joys...
After a week on my back surrounded by used tissues, I'll take what I can get. Lets you appreciate the simpler things in life though. Like sleeping with your mouth closed (with a bad cold it's really hard to breathe without rushing for the steamer every hour, let me tell you), or even sleeping on your back. Sigh...
While struggling to breathe, you also get to reflect on your life. Deep existential questions such as "if only I knew four years ago that I wanted to make furniture for kids and teens and funky young adults, I wouldn't be stuck in a stupid boring course like Management Information Systems" and "who would want to have kids anyway? So much could go wrong? And isn't this planet overpopulated as it is? Isn't it just some egotistical narcisstic sadomasochistic urge to have a bit of immortality by passing your genes to some poor human being who didn't ask to be born anyway much less have you infect your insecurities and hang-ups onto them?!"
Sorry... Sickness doesn't become me. I have to admit I look better when I'm sick though... Something about looking at your blurry reflection through eyes about to shed cold-induced tears...
And I just realized (maybe not JUST realized... for those who've known me since forever, this may not come as a suprise) that my idea of heaven is being locked in a library. With electricity of course -- no point having all those books if you can't read them. And a fully-stocked fridge inside. I loooooooove books. Even the boring ones (a.k.a. "Classics") aren't so bad once you get past the first few chapters.
Oh. And boys are gross. ( Guys, don't be offended. There's a world of difference between boys and guys and men. )
Enough maudlin thoughts for now. Have to catch up with a week's worth of work. Great, just great...