i have a job
i have a job... meaning goodbye summer. Anyway, no more Texas Instruments coz they were giving me way too much hassle. Instead working with Moog, they make parts for planes. And since I'm working in Baguio the probability of having a cute colleague are close to nil. Cheers!!!
Managed to have coffee with my best mate Nikki last week. We went to Gloria Jean's. Thank God for small blessings like gift certificates. I got a nice green tea smoothie thang. It was real good. I'm starting to miss chocolate. No mocha, no nothing. Plus yesterday for breakfast we had champorado (chocolate rice porridge) and i was salivating but i managed to restrain myself. Self Control!!!
Saturday I had coffee with a guy I spent six years of my life with. In grade school. (Kala niyo iba noh?!) I remembered that a number of my friends used to have a crush on him. I looked at him across the table and I couldn't see why. Smoker. Sigh... Dreads. Not so bad actually, but the way his hair was dreaded was a tad skanky. Eek, i hope he doesn't read this. There was this guy in my Game Dev't class with really nice dreads. And nice hands and feet. Yes, I am weird and i notice these things. I have a hand fetish. Mr Rhino has okay hands... (Shattap Ror'!!!!)
Still trying to work on the artwork for our game (TWO WEEKS TO GO!!!) but our computer at home is so freaking' slow!!! ARGH!!! Photoshop nalang nga ang tagal tagal pa talaga gumana! Basta, kakaasar. I miss my computer...
My godson is so cute. Generally I really don't like kids and ugly kids are the worst, so I'm glad he's such a handsome smiley baby or I'd find it really hard to love him. He's an angel. And even though he puked on me this Sunday, I still love him.
Gonna watch Robots with my sis now. Signing off!
"Count your blessings, name them one by one..." (a song i always sing when i see someone less fortunate.) DON'T YOU THINK THIS IS SO FREAKIN' FREAKY?!?! :-O
in baguio
heellleeew people.
my life is so riveting.
I arrived in baguio last night around 8 after 6 hours stuck on my arse. Great huh? Still trying to fix my practicum. Not much luck...
Me and John have named our team finally. +PADLOC (+hink Positive And Drink Lots Of Coffee) --> the only way we're gonna finish our game in less than four weeks. *Sigh.*
I still think FlowerFaeries is cuter, but i don't think he likes it much. I told him if he cross-dresses for the competition he won't look out of place because there'll be a COSPLAy --> probably with a lot of grown men dressed as little girls. I'm evil.
But we're sticking with +PADLOC for now.
And I'm so blah.... Sniff...
exam week
Just my French orals later and my MIS finals (killer finals!!!) and i'm home free.
Just to reassure my sister that she's not the only klutz in the family, last night i was with some classmates preparing for our orals in Seattles best. I bought a large cookie (oatmeal raisin -- gave up chocolate so no choco chip for me) and a large cup of hot water ( i brought my own tea - tazo from starbucks. buwahahahah! ) and guess what happens next? I trip on the stairs, spill water everywhere and scald myself as well.
I'm so graceful it's amazing. Good thing I didn't break anything.
Infamous klutziness strikes again.
I miss my tagboard... Comment nalang kayo s'il vous plait. :D
was cleaning up the placement digicam and i dug these up. hahahaha!!! GOOD NEWS: i'm getting over my crush on mr. rhino. Yay!
this is me and jen at the Carnival with the Anchors Away ride behind us. We went on twice!!
This is us ON the Anchors Away ride a few minutes later. ^_^ it was my bro's birthday when this pic was taken. as in three months ago. Belated birthday JOSH!!! Ranier and me at the carnival. I actually look good in this pic! i got this pic coz he was Chev's fave. Mainggit ka Cheeeb!!! (as if)  this is me today at the placement office. i love my skirt... the phrase of the day is: "Stay away! Stay very away..."
work, work, work
This week has been very... stressful. Monday we defended our Game Dev't project, and I felt so bad because Eric, our teacher, was expecting a lot from our group and we didn't deliver. He looked so disappointed. A lot of stuff didn't work, mostly from the programming end, but also from my end (art) because our textures didn't work. And on the programming end I couldn't blame them either because there was only three of them and John (my partner from last sem) was doing most of the work on his own. Sniff...
And then for four days (Saturday to Tuesday) i had been getting very little sleep trying to get our database program up and running. So bangag. It's a good thing that Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, a CS graduate came over to help. TJ looks like a bigger version of Joaquin Phoenix, it's uncanny. Anyway, he's really funny and really good and we worked from around 10-2am each night. I had done most of it on my own, but since I was rusty at programming generally and I didn't know C# or SQL (the languages we used for our proj), it was good that someone else was helping me debug. Also, the lack of sleep made me so scatterbrained, and I really appreciated the extra pair of eyes that checked that the error I was getting was caused by a mere typo. (make that lots of "mere" typos)
So there, Wednesday (when our presentation was due) early morning practically everything was up and running. I took a power nap and when I woke up and fixed the code some more.
Turn on PC and open program... OK. Compile... OK. Run... OK. Change some lines of code... OK. Compile... IT WOULDN'T COMPILE!!!
For some reason it would only compile when I had just restarted my PC, so each time I wanted to compile I had to shut down and restart!!! I disabled some functions to try to spot where the bug was but... no time left. Burned everything on the CD to port onto Hannah's laptop. Rush to school, try to install stuff and overwrite Hannah's database. It wouldn't drop the existing tables!
So Liz had to drive me back to the dorm, pick up my CPU in my 4-inch heels, carry the heavy fricking CPU back to school. And NOT A SINGLE GUY OFFERED TO HELP!!! Whatever happened to chivalry?
No actually Leo, a classmate saw me struggling with the CPU and said, "OH MY GAWD. Let me open the door for you."
And so we presented and the rest of my groupmates took so long. And i didn't even know i was supposed to do a program demo, and a frazzled scatterbrained girl with very little sleep and very little time to present is not a good candidate for showing off her work. And to top things off, since I had disabled some functions while hunting for that stupid bug so it looked as if some functions weren't working when they actually were, they were just disabled.
Basta. On a more positive note, I'm learning the difference between liking someone and being interested in someone. Right now I really don't want to be "with" anyone so I'm not interested in anyone, but there's a someone I "like-like," even if it is in a nerdy way. ("I want him for his brain." -- How much nerdier could you get?) I just realized my crush on this guy is just like my crush on Mike Wilson in England, the guy's not my type but he's just so darned smart (in high school Gabs Vogt and Mike were my only competition academically, and I couldn't be attracted to someone who wasn't smarter than me. And since I had to have a crush, I fancied the more attractive of the two boffins.)
Anyway, gotta code some more for our game. Yay. :-/