people disappoint
Recently I was trying to reach a close friend for days to no avail. It really hurt because this friend probably doesn't have an easy time during the holidays because of messy family affairs, but I felt that friends are supposed to be there for each other, to carry the burden etc...
I was really miffed. But then I was thinking about it and I realized God must have been feeling that way about me during the holidays. My end of the connection has all too often been "either unattended or out of coverage area."
And I'm still stressed because the first week after the holidays is going to be absolutely hell. So... at least now my end of the line is open again.
in Davao
- Teachers in Ateneo de Manila do not know the meaning of "holiday." It's supposed to be a vacation meaning no homework please!!! Anyway, my luggage going to Davao was made even heavier by the many books I had to bring. And to think that was my required "light reading."
- Anyway, so my family's in Davao right now. It's very hot and very humid. Went to the bukid (rural area) for four days to celebrate Christmas with my mum's family. We got attacked by pesky vampires (mosquitoes), me, my sister, my bro, everyone except my mum.
- For our exchange gift, I picked my grandfathers on both sides of the family and I gave them two of my paintings. Hope I can have them scanned at least so I can see them again.
- I have one hour on the internet so just wanted to make it a bit more up to date... That's it for now. :)
- I love Vertical Horizon!!!
Want to Sleep
- One more day of school, one more History exam to cram for and a stack of readings to go through and school is over for the holidays! In the meantime, nose to the grindstone and all that crap.
- Tomorrow have practice with Jen for our gig on Saturday at PowerUp in Pasig... sigh. 45 minute set so pretty long. Got to pick up my paintings on Saturday morning from the Shell Art House... Didn't win but still proud of my paintings. Hadn't painted in 3 years and the rest may have made my style mature...
- Sunday is flight to Davao and rest. Yeah right! Gotta study for Theo, French, and CS tests as soon as we get back. Plus projects to prepare for! Whatever happened to Christmas Holidays?
- For now, back to class and then a night of no sleep and Extra Joss (and Extra Diyos) for my History Exam. Argh!!!
in baguio and my tummy hurts
MY tummy really hurts... i think it's wind... drats... ouch.
anyway, i got to have lunch with nikki a while ago. We were supposed to eat in O My Gulay, this vegetarian place in Baguio but they were closed for renovations so we ended up in our usual Hang-Out, Swiss Made. If you're ever in Baguio go there! Good food!!!
Here's a pic of me and nikki from our last trip to O My Gulay, last month... my hair looks weird...

Anyway, yun. I love my Nikki! I hardly ever get to hug her. Anyway, yesterday got to Baguio at 11am. Had a party Friday night, lasted till 3am, got on the 5am bus. Had lunch at home (my dad cooked Kinilaw, my favorite!!!) and slept straight from 2-7pm, only getting up to wee. Hehehe...
Right now i'm in my dad's office in PMA and it's cold and my tummy hurts so I'll just post some pics from my Birthday weekend... :-) just a small get-together with close friends (my parents aren't in the picture btw)

me and nikki... ent we cute?
 me and my lillies (my fave flower)... me and ChiChi being weird...
notice how my smile is all the same? i don't like to show my teeth anymore. My big grin looks very scary... :-/
what a let down
FINALLY, I am able to post. I was on a Unix-computer yesterday and no matter how hard I fiddled with it I couldn't type anything in my blog. Anyway, the typhoon was a total let-down. It was supposed to be as big as the Philippines, so expecting a Signal Number 5 was pretty reasonable (for those who don't speak the lingo, at Signal No.3 weather is so bad that even University students are liberated from the oppressions of class). Anyway, imagine my disappointment when the friggin' cyclone only lasted two days, and it wasn't even that strong. Okay, let's be less selfish for a sec and thank God that at least not as many people were hurt. But still!!! At least I didn't have to take my Theo exam scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Oh, another bad point: our SEC Field "gig" on Friday didn't push through. Duh!!! Spent four days at my uncle's place. Cable!!! (I am such a nerd, watched mainly Cartoon Network, Nickolodeon, Disney, National Geographic and Discovery Channel) Still, was able to save on food... Here are some pics I've been meaning to post for a while.
feeling model

cute lang...