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funny poem
i'm not moping anymore!!! the fact that i spent the day with nikikay yesterday helped. I luv my nikikay, yes i do! (singsong) we watched Resident Evil and it was funny. Well, i was scared to death so to keep myself sane every single time a zombie went on screen i did my own Zombie thing in my seat (gnashing, pawing, weirding Nikki out generally). it was fun!!! That and hiding behind my jacket. And although it was fun, let's just say I got reminded of just why I don't enjoy zombie movies. I am such a sissified Tweety Bird... Oh, and i'm not depressed anymore. But just to show the depths of my angs (hehehe...) i've posted this poem i wrote during the worst of it. IT'S FUNNY!!! Ballad of the Alone
Three cute and cuddly kitties, as pretty as can be
One black kitty, mostly noisy and sometimes nasty,
One pretty white kitty, always sweet and always clean
One cute grey kitty, who was something in between
Three little kitties staring out the pet shop window
Waiting to be picked up and taken to a home
In the meantime they waited some and played some and waited some
And they were the bestest friends even though they didn’t have the same mum
One day a little boy came into the pet shop
And fell in love with the little grey kitty that was spinning like a top
He picked her up and tickled her and then payed for her too
And then in the pet shop there were left two
Two little kitties, as pretty as can be
One white kitty, one black kitty, no grey kitty to be seen
Still, two is a nice round number, said the black
As long as we have each other we have nothing to lack
And so the two little kitties became even more bestest of friends
They wore the prettiest bows and ribbons and followed the trends
They ate together, snoozed together, and then ate a little more
And they had the bestest time in that little pet store
One day a little boy came into the pet store
And fell in love with the pretty white kitty he caught in a dainty mid-snore
He picked her up and brought her home because he knew she’d be fun
And staring out the pet shop Window there was left one
One black cat, staring out the pet shop window
Said, “To heck with rhyming, what’s the point.
At least I have that once upon a time when
I was the most important kitty in the whole wide world to someone,
and that someone was the same for me.
Now that someone is far, far away,
and I’m stuck here in this crappy pet store.”
The black cat sighed and cried and sighed a little more
The same cat, but older and wiser, said,
“This place was just a waiting room for us kitties
We were going to change the world,
and then after find ourselves nice homes.
But this waiting room wasn’t so bad
because we were waiting with someone,
Someone who felt the same
Now I’m still in the waiting room
Still waiting to go home once I’ve changed the big, bad world
But now my voice echoes in this big waiting room
Empty, save for me.
I’m happy for the pretty white cat.
I may be mean but not so selfish
to expect her to put her life on hold for
little old me.
She’s still my bestest friend and I love her so,
but time passes and things can’t stay the same
I’m still gonna change the world and find myself a home,
But that world seems so much bigger, so much badder
With only the echoes as my friends.”
at least luann got smooched
i really love luann, this other comic in yahoo. and she finally got it together with Aaron. *sniff*

posted on Monday, October 25
been moping around like a weird monkey for the longest time. oh well. one thing i've learned. you can never NEVER EVER think you know somebody. *sniff*
anyway here's a pic of me and jen (me on the right behind the glass) at our gig thing. we're wearing our shirts!!! she's got "MORE MUSIC" on hers and "HYPERORY" on mine.
with a runny nose in baguio!!!
Friday (update on SUMO KOKANA)
HE DIDN'T ABANDON ME!!! John's my man of the month. True, he turned up late but he showed up!!! The whole time I was staring at him, grinning dazedly (if you know me it's a scary sight) and saying, "I'm so glad you're here!" I think he got freaked... or even more freaked than he already was. I think I freaked him so much before and that's why he wasn't replying on any of my attempts to contact him. Freaking... my specialty :D
So anyway i helped him fix his code--it worked and mine didn't but it wasn't as visually nice as mine and it didn't have some updates on the sumos that i made (shadows) and it didn't have splash screens or HUDs. We integrated our code-- Jen said, "That's such nerd love!" Hehehee.
So John is my man of the month!!!
Gigged at the store with no name. Pretty cool!! Played 6.5 songs (4 songs plus two repeats and Jen did a new song on her own while my left hand rested) and had a really fun impromptu photo shoot. Mags (the girl who invited us and one of the owners of the store) is a really good photographer! When she sends me a copy of the pics i'll post some. La lang ^_^
Sponge Cola gig was also fun. Fun but REALLY LOUD. I looked kinda weird with my fingers plugging my ears, but i really was enjoying the music!!! It was just a bit much for my sensitive ears. And I was shocked when i saw the album cover that afternoon coz i know the members. (i got a ride with the frontman--heeeheee!!!)
Rode up to Baguio. Had to wait for Boadi and my amp coz nakarating sila sa Paranaque (loooooooooong story) so left later than intened too. Took the Victory Liner Bus as usual. Brought Boadicea (my bass) so she was just standing in front of me. Sat next to this Muslim girl who's learning Arabic in Baguio. La lang
Stayed at home. Wanted to meet up with Nikikay but my mother missed me so much so she kept me prisoner. That's okay, i lurve my mum.
Tuesday (today)
Am in internet cafe. Nikki's beside me. She just told me an hour ago that she has a boyfriend. I don't see her for two months and look what happens!?
I cried when she told me. Do you think i took it well?
Hopefully i'll be less emotional as the day goes on. Am meeting the guy later. Will tell him that if he hurts my bestest friend at all I will personally come after him with a dull spoon and carve out his innards. Pleasant thought... Buwahahahahargh!!!!
Jilted at the Altar of The Gods of Programming
Looks like my super-programmer partner isn't going to show up. *Sigh* I was in charge of graphics--making everything display right. He was in charge of making everything work right. But since i think he knows that even if he doesn't submit anything he's still gonna get an A, he doesn't seem to want to submit anything anymore. *Sniff*
He's probably really busy anyway. But still it would have been nice to pass somthing that actually works and doesn't just look good. The girls in my group were okay, at least they made an effort to help even though they're not programmer-types. Our other group mate is in my course and one year older and... I expected more.
At least it looks good...

not by the zit on my chinny-chin-chin
Not getting enough beauty sleep is not good for one's complexion. Add to that extra sweets in the bloodstream and enough stress to get a rubber band from here to the moon. (get it? stress? stretch? wala na akong sense of humour!!!)
I bought this big bag of choc-nut so I could study last night. My logic? Sugar in the bloodstream keeps you up. So it was choc-nut (finished 16 big pieces), ten mugs of mint tea with coffeemate, solid coffeemate (it’s either yumm or gross, kinda like marmite) that was keeping me up from one am last night to seven this morning, studying for MIS finals(which went well because our big problem with ERDs for our defense yesterday turned up on the test today)and I was doing more programming for our Sumo game due tomorrow.
And I thought my week wasn’t so bad…
At around seven, I decided I needed a power nap so I turned the volume of my computer down a bit (no radio/tv so my pc is the only thing keeping me sane--videos, dvds, music… I love my pc) and pulled the covers around me and a pillow over my head (something I learned to do when I slept over at my cousin’s place--they have a shih tzu that loves to get it on with your arm/leg/head/whatever’s available when you’re asleep) and tried to sleep for thirty minutes.
After two seconds I went into my first (that I remember) lucid dream. (Note: that’s lucid as in clear and not lurid as in dodgy!!!)I could see fast-moving waves that resembled visual representations of radio frequencies and I could hear radio stations getting passed through--like when you’re scanning the air waves for your favorite deejay. It was so weird, I was still half-awake so I tried to listen to the music coming from the pc. No match!!!
Drifted back into the place between being fully-awake and fully-asleep and still got the weird reception. It was as if the Sandman couldn’t find the dream I was supposed to be having so he was skimming through everything he had on file.
And then this really clear thought popped into my head: “Tune in to my frequency.” And I didn’t know if it was God or if it was just my bangag-ness being manifest (three hours of sleep can’t be good for the brain)… but it was just so strange and new.
I mean if God wants to talk to me who am I to say how He should or shouldn’t, right? (Speaking of--I highly recommend the book GOD.COM by James Langteaux--I think that’s his name)
Lemme just say Quiet Time will never be the “quiet” if we take the effort to tune in to God’s frequency. He’s broadcasting!
Did quite a bit of programming for our CG game. Lemme show you some screen shots. Anyway, the sumos don't do anything yet, they're just THERE right now. But then again, getting them to actually display right is half the battle. I thank God for my super-partner John Simpao, who doesn't know two things that I know... (only one is important to him anyway)
Defense tomorrow for MIS... So have to work on our powerpoint presentation tonight. Then gotta do more code for the game. Then gotta sleep. I miss my sister... and my Nix... *sigh* Anyway turns out I may not be going home to Baguio on Friday. Saw Jen a while ago and she said we may have a gig on Saturday... Oh well. I gotta support if it pulls through. And my sched for next sem seems good. I'm praying for all my classes to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. So far I only see one class to be MWF, and that's Operating Systems because all the classes are MWF. My French teacher next sem is going to be good! I was so scared it was going to be this old bat, but it's now a young bat! Ms Young's her name, and it's funny because my second French teacher in England (I had three different ones) was called Ms. Young! Anyway, had her for French 2 and she's really really nice. As in super!!! Just gotta make Dean's List this sem coz I'll have to overload next semester for my minor. The future looks bright. The future looks... Rory!
Philo Orals
- "The mystery of my relationship with my body is not sufficiently explored when I describe my body either as possession or as instrument Both of these descriptions fail to reveal how fundamental my link with my body is. Moreover, embodiment is a pre-condition for any experience of possession or instrumentality. Hence the statement, "I am my body." This statement is not meant to reduce me to a body-object; rather it emphasizes that as a body-subject, I can't be distinguished from my body. It is as an incarnate subject that I encounter the world and others. Thus, all my human experiences are structured by the fact that I am embodied."
- Had my Philo Orals and to prepare I only slept for around three hours... To take breaks I coded for our game. Fun. The orals were okay. You study for hours only to use it all up in ten minutes. Hopefully I did okay. I've noticed that ever since I started speaking Filipino, my grammar and vocab in English have been deteriorating, and I'm not as articulate as I used to be. Sigh... Hopefully when I go to France I'll get better at French and English... ^_^
- Expecting a B in CS150-Computer Architecture. High B, just not high enough for B+. Drats. I'm supposed to continue coding for our Sumo Game today. My programming partner is gonna arrive around 3:30, we can code till 5.
just finished critique
we had to critique this other group for MIS today... Sigh... I'm getting scared for our own defense. At least the group critiquing us are friends...
Had Computer Architecture Finals. Hard. Well, I think I studied okay. Crammed but I knew what I was talking about. However, unless I get an 87 on my exam I'm gonna get a B. 87/116. Room for 19 mistakes. Lord help!!!
Gotta study for Philosophy orals tomorrow morning so going over to my classmate's place to study. Then gotta program for our Sumo Wrestling game after that, and work on my Philosophy bonus paper.
I didn't think this week was gonna be this hard. Sniff!!!
Answered prayer: I HAVE MUNEH! My ATM card got demagnetized (It's becomming a yearly thing) and at the same time my school ID went missing! Double whammy: I need my ID to withdraw from the bank. Anyway, thank God I remembered where I could have left it (at the internet/coffee place while i was online on Friday night) and sure enough it was there. And managed to get enough dosh for the week.
God is faithful. Was almost starting to regret tithing but I knew I could count on my God to pull through. And He did, always does ^_^
just got back from YOF, am in a coffee/internet place, with my dad at a table near me, talking to his friend from way back. Just got freaked out by earthquake. Was on yahooMessenger with a friend from Paranaque (one hour car ride away) and He felt it... eeeek. I was in the big Baguio earthquake of 1990 so i get freaked by quakes. Coupla days ago when i was doing my Quiet Time I felt an earthquake too -- it was 4am. Weird... I like thunder but earthquakes i can't handle. Cancel that--it's not weird at all. In fact, it's pretty normal. Egad! Am i turning normal? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
posted on Sunday, October 10
bull terriers rock!
i love bull terriers... ^_^
haven't done any serious studying yet. why oh why am i so ngerk?!?!

time for change
It's embarrassing. I know Java, (J2ME AND J2SE) a bit of OpenGL/SDl/C (i'm not sure what i use, just that i use it), but html i don't know. Sigh... Been trying to update the layout of this blog so I can work on Jen's site over the break but... man, i'm getting lost. Well, i suppose the fact that i'm trying to study for all my other subjects doesn't help either... I'm so thankful I don't have that much for next week (Finals Week, a.k.a. Hell Week by normal people, and EGR Week --as in Extra Grace Required-- for the not-so-normal people.) Just have two written exams, two project defenses, one oral exam and one paper, and a Bonus one at that. Just found my Random Number for Reg. I'm 291, or something. I was praying for a one-digit number, but God wants to impress me. Last time I was third-to-the-last in my WHOLE school, but i still got all the profs i wanted, and a great schedule. So I'm confident God will push through for me. It's Friday, had my Last Accounting test last night [Cheer!!] and God, in his divine humor or grace, showed me a stupid mistake i the last minute (not exaggerating) before i had to pass my paper. I spent the last thirty minutes of that exam trying to figure out why I was short by P600, then i realized that the beginning value wasn't P300, it was (300). --you accounting students know what I mean. Anyway, just waiting till i have to go to Youth On Fire, looking forward to getting hyper for God!!! I've been running on autopilot the whole week, i just need a divine shot of joy and passion!!! Found the pics of my "brother" i wanted to show. They're from StarRunner. Hope they show up this time. Finally got an image hosting thing...
