back to grunt work
Mood: frazzled yet again ThemeSong: fly away - lenny kravitz Watchawearing: pyjamas (I'm in internet cafe and i'm wearing my pink tye-dye ones without any holes in them so i'm decent)
It's the first week back from the Christmas holidays, last few months before graduation, and I'm already neck-deep in work. That's what I get for being overenthusiastic about graphic design, getting into a position of authority (I should be in ideas, not administration!) and being too... much! I need to learn the meaning of moderation.
Andi just turned me into a shrew again. Again, I am thankful for the foresight that prevented us from being roomies. Two strong personalities in close quarters, constantly in each other's faces... We'd kill each other. And I'm not talking the shoot ya in the back while you're sleeping killing, more of a slip laxatives into their drink so they die in a very unpleasant way. Yes, Andi, you are the only one reading this so I might as well say, "YOU ARE SO CUTE!" (cue Andi's glower)
New Year's Eve. Everyone else is counting till midnight, ready with their noisemakers and sparklers, me with a fork and my mother's famous chocolate cake before me. After a year of abstinence, I was finally having a taste of chocolate!
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
The rest of the world sings "Aude lang syne," blows trumpets, roams around the room smooching random people. (Sounds like fun)
I go: "CHOMP!" The first bite was rich, moist, delicious and oh, so chocolatey... but it was strangely disappointing. After 365 days of anticipating magic melting in my mouth, I suppose I built chocolate up too much. 365 days... How much chocolate did I turn down from the gazillion members of my ever-expanding fan-club? (A: not that much...)