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m0re surrealism...

It seems people who've crushed me are popping out of the woodwork. Was chatting with this guy I knew in England who I was really good friends with, and see what happens to our conversation. Oh, and to protect his identity I've changed his name to xXx. I can be nice, Chev!

xXx: heya
xXx: hows my gloria
gloria: YOUR gloria?
xXx: lol
gloria: i'm working on a report i'm supposed to present on monday
gloria: you?
xXx: yeah not bad, im a little drunk
gloria: drunk? xXx?!
gloria: whoa!!!
xXx: first time iv drunk this year
xXx: only had half a glass of wine
xXx: but im not a lightweight
xXx: dunno what it id
xXx: is
gloria: hahaha
gloria: okay i'm relieved
gloria: never figured you for the getting drunk sort
xXx: theres a lot of things u dont know about me...
gloria: i know...
gloria: 5 years does tend to change people
gloria: for instance me, used to be the crazy-about-boys girl. remember nasim? hehehe... anyway, now...
xXx: nasim!
xXx: lol
gloria: total opposite. i wear spike cuffs to scare them away...
gloria: you do remember him. i was such a stalker... *sigh* those were the good ole days
xXx: lol yeah
xXx: but the question is wud u be able to resist the xXx charm now
xXx: most girls do in fairness
gloria: hehehe. i have to say you never turned the xXx charm on me
xXx: i thought u were out of my league
gloria: haha. "out of your league" meaning "snob"?
xXx: no just didnt think ud be interested in me
xXx: truth be told i had a massive crush on u
gloria: REALLY?!
gloria:i had such low self-confidence i doubted anyone liked me.
xXx: still do in a way..
xXx: even though i havent seen u in ages
gloria: well, 'cept for rob, and he wrote me this weird love email
gloria: that's sweet xXx
gloria: actually, i was teasing becca to find me a man and she said your name
gloria: hehehe...
xXx: dyu fancy going for a drink or bowling sometime
gloria: love to, dear.
gloria: plane ticket might be a bit pricey though...
xXx: il pay for it, i got a job at a burger van in the summer
gloria: hehehe. raincheck. can you hold that thought till after september 2006?
gloria: it's been 5 years, what's another year or so, right?
xXx: i understand if u dont want to, its not a prob
xXx: im used to it
gloria: aww, xXx i'd love to go bowling or something. but being on the other side of the world it's kinda... difficult
gloria: besides, i know you come from good stock, so i won't be too guarded.
gloria: i promise i won't evern bring my pepper spray.
xXx: im a different guy to the one u knew u, some people say im really muscular now
xXx: got a six pack and everything
xXx: u love it
gloria: oh, are you oozing the xXx charm now?
xXx: do u want me to...
gloria: well... i won't guarantee that it will get you anywhere. nothing personal, it's just i'm waiting till 2009-2010 for prince charming to come. i have a ten year plan you see. but if you want, feel free to try anyway
xXx: its fine, i knew i wasnt in ur league
xXx: id better stop making a fool of myself
gloria: what is "my league" anyway?!
xXx: well ur so hot and im not
gloria: wahahahahahaah!!!
gloria: now that's funny
xXx: what?
xXx: y
gloria: xXx, being "hot" is a subjective thing. believe me, i'm not getting that sort of attention here. well, not until recently anyway.
gloria: but still, physical is only one level'
gloria: you were really nice when i knew you. has THAT changed?
xXx: yeah but still i shud have known i wudnt have a shot with u
xXx: nah im still the nicest guy south of oxfordshire
gloria: xXx, honest question: have you ever had a serious relationship?
xXx: well the closest iv come is with u
xXx: lol
xXx: nah i had a 6 months relationship with this bird at uni
xXx: but she cheated on me with this really popular and fit guy with really big pecs
gloria: i've never had one. never been kissed and proud of it. and i think it's better this way, to hold out for that forever-factor
gloria: your ex --> she sucks
gloria: well, i told you that bit about me because... well, i still remember youth alpha nights
gloria: have you read "I Kissed dating goodbye" by josh harris?
xXx: yeah!!
xXx: have u
gloria: have i read it? yeah --> it totally changed my life
xXx: wow, i cant believe it!!!!!!!
xXx: ud really like my housemate oli
gloria: he got changed by it too?
xXx: hes the funniest and best looking guy iv ever met
xXx: and hes the best kisser around
xXx: hes got such soft lips
xXx: apparently
xXx: hes so intelligent though
gloria: man, i hope you don't know that from personal experience...
xXx: got an iq of 140
xXx: lol
gloria: what are you trying to do? push me towards this smart, cute super-snogger?!
xXx: il add u to his msn
gloria: okaaaaaay....
gloria: xXx, so have you read the book? what did you think of it?
xXx: yeah it was unbelivable
xXx: that last chapter!
gloria: so, you agree with it?
xXx: blew me away
xXx: yeah wish it reas it earlier
gloria: why's that?
xXx: well it was so life changing, wish i cud have been enlightened at an earlier age
xXx: what tangled webs we weave
gloria: man, you sound as if your life's been as complicated as a soap opera
xXx: u say that but iv learnt so much from neighbours
xXx: i know it sounds silly but its true
gloria: like... ?
xXx: never sleep with an arsonist or photographer
xXx: does that sound ridiculous??
xXx: dont laugh at me
gloria: i'm not laughing..
gloria: well, just think of it this way. singleness is a season. there's a time and a season for everything. you still go to church right?
xXx: iv seen the light

posted on Saturday, June 4 | 0 comments
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