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one week more!!!

Mood: Relief
ThemeSong: Shackles by Mary Mary (get it?!)
Watchawearing: all black. suprise, suprise

Jen's back from Europe!!! Whoohoooo!! Chev's already enrolled in Diliman, mine's not for another couple of weeks. The Headless chickens are starting a web comic. More news on that as it comes.
Some intern-ship strips from one of my favorites, Pearls before Swine

One more week of wearing this ball and chain known as practicum!! I have to admit though that this is my best summer since I entered the Ateneo. Seeing as my sophomore and junior summers were at Manila, with me doing my darndest to stay awake through my summer classes, a summer of unlimitted internet in an air conditioned facility in Baguio isn't all that bad.

As for news on my "ONE ADVENTURE", I really really really want to design furniture for kids and teens. I've been researching (Thankyou Lord for Moog letting me surf whenever I want!) on different design schools in New York (because we've got family there and the best design schools are there besides) and the graduate degrees are two years and it looks super expensive. As in a lot more expensive than my France trip...

Still, God will provide.

posted on Tuesday, May 17 | 0 comments
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