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green like a frog

Mood: Green
ThemeSong: I can see clearly now the rain is gone
Watchawearing: Red turtleneck, black sporty trousers

One of the joys of being away from work (and the internet) for the past week is going on MyYahoo and looking at the comics page -- you get to look at a week's strips on one page -- and seeing on that page strips you haven't seen before. Simple joys...

After a week on my back surrounded by used tissues, I'll take what I can get. Lets you appreciate the simpler things in life though. Like sleeping with your mouth closed (with a bad cold it's really hard to breathe without rushing for the steamer every hour, let me tell you), or even sleeping on your back. Sigh...

While struggling to breathe, you also get to reflect on your life. Deep existential questions such as "if only I knew four years ago that I wanted to make furniture for kids and teens and funky young adults, I wouldn't be stuck in a stupid boring course like Management Information Systems" and "who would want to have kids anyway? So much could go wrong? And isn't this planet overpopulated as it is? Isn't it just some egotistical narcisstic sadomasochistic urge to have a bit of immortality by passing your genes to some poor human being who didn't ask to be born anyway much less have you infect your insecurities and hang-ups onto them?!"

Sorry... Sickness doesn't become me. I have to admit I look better when I'm sick though... Something about looking at your blurry reflection through eyes about to shed cold-induced tears...

And I just realized (maybe not JUST realized... for those who've known me since forever, this may not come as a suprise) that my idea of heaven is being locked in a library. With electricity of course -- no point having all those books if you can't read them. And a fully-stocked fridge inside. I loooooooove books. Even the boring ones (a.k.a. "Classics") aren't so bad once you get past the first few chapters.

Oh. And boys are gross. ( Guys, don't be offended. There's a world of difference between boys and guys and men. )

Enough maudlin thoughts for now. Have to catch up with a week's worth of work. Great, just great...

posted on Tuesday, May 3 | 0 comments
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