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bored stalker

Here I am again, bored during my non-playing time at my Games and Management Games class. Boredom has turned me into a stalker. Hehehe. I googled my French buddy and I got a lot of hits from the chess community. He ranks 263 in the world! Cool noh? Having lunch with him on Thursday and I'm bringing my little chess set. I'm going to take away his queen, his rooks, his bishops... I think that'll do. Just so I have a fighting chance. Come on, up agains Number 263? He NEEDS a handicap!!!

Anyway, that's him on the right.

So this week has been hectic and it'll continue to be hectic until Sunday. So much stuff to do, so little time. I doubt I'll be able to update till next Tuesday when I'm bored again. Am trying to find a new place, my current one is so dusty it's making me sick.

I like school. Such a nerd...

posted on Tuesday, July 12 | 1 comments
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